Published on 16.02.2013
AEGIS – measure acceleration g(?)
for antimatter – direct experiment
The key question that still remains unanswered is whether the weight of antimatter objects is equal to that of matter objects.
This is the question, the answer to which will determine not only the future of the Universe, but the future of cosmology and physics.
This question is one of cornerstones in the foundation of fundamental physics.
And finally the first step in this direction is taken.
A first, direct experiment – AEGIS is planned under the auspices of the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN).
Below are direct URLs:
The essence of the experiment, in brief, is as follows:
Antihydrogen beams in a special tube will be emitted in horizontal direction. Antihydrogen atoms, having flown a certain distance, will land on a special detector grid. By deviation of antimatter atoms (on detector), scientists will be able to determine the force with which antyhydrogen atoms interact with the gravitational field of the Earth and, accordingly, compare it with interacting force of conventional (material) hydrogen atoms.
Measurement error is 1 %.
In my opinion, interacting (attraction) force of the matter and the antimatter differs within the limits of 4 to 12 %.
So we need just to wait on the experiment itself and its findings.